
"ifquery -c" bug with ipv6 autoconfig with RA

aderumier opened this issue · 3 comments


a proxmox user have reported a bug with "ifquery -c" , with ipv6 and RA autoconfig

a simple interface like

auto eth0
iface eth0 

then router RA assign to interface an ipv6 , like 2620:0:1c00:0:face:b00c:0:2/64

so, "ifquery -c", show a failure state, as it's thinking that no ip address should be configured

ifquery -c

auto eth0
iface eth0 
    address 2620:0:1c00:0:face:b00c:0:2/64 [fail]

Hi @aderumier

What version are you using? I'm guessing that you are using a pretty recent one (with the netlink cache).
This sounds like ifupdown2 is detecting an ip on the interface but not in /e/n/i and reporting it as a failure. This is a pretty basic use case and shouldn't trigger this behavior.
We are in a middle of a release now I'll look into it asap!

Thanks for reporting

same problem (but not always) on latest Debian 11
ifquery --version


here is config:

....cut here....
auto vmbr5000
iface vmbr5000 inet static
        bridge-ports vxlan5000
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0
        address 2a01:X:X:X:192::4/64
        vrf bgp
        mtu 1500
        ip-forward on
        ip6-forward on
        arp-accept on
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr5000 txqueuelen 10000
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr5000 group bgpint

....cut here....
auto vmbr140444
iface vmbr140444 inet static
        bridge-ports vxlan140444
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0
        address 185.X.X.X/23
        address 2001:X:X::3:2395:1/64
        vrf bgp
        mtu 1500
        ip-forward on
        ip6-forward on
        arp-accept on
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr140444 txqueuelen 10000
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr140444 group bgpext

ifquery --check vmbr5000

auto vmbr5000
iface vmbr5000 inet static                                          [pass]
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr5000 txqueuelen 10000             []
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr5000 group bgpint                 []
        bridge-ports vxlan5000                                      [pass]
        bridge-fd 0                                                 [pass]
        bridge-stp no                                               [pass]
        vrf bgp                                                     [pass]
        mtu 1500                                                    [pass]
        ip-forward on                                               [pass]
        ip6-forward on                                              [pass]
        address                                        [pass]
        address 2a01:X:X:X:192::4/64                                [pass]

ifquery --check vmbr140444

auto vmbr140444
iface vmbr140444 inet static                                        [fail]
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr140444 txqueuelen 10000           []
        post-up /sbin/ip link set vmbr140444 group bgpext               []
        bridge-ports vxlan140444                                    [pass]
        bridge-stp no                                               [pass]
        bridge-fd 0                                                 [pass]
        vrf bgp                                                     [pass]
        mtu 1500                                                    [pass]
        ip-forward on                                               [pass]
        ip6-forward on                                              [pass]
        address 185.X.X.X/23                                        [pass]
        address 2001:X:X::3:2395:1/64                               [fail]

Hmm. everting looks so weird. on the next server, same config works as expected. need more time to investigate this issue.

seems the command apt --reinstall install ifupdown2 resolve the problem.