
CLI tool to sync Strings.Designer.cs and StringResponses.cs files for bot development

Primary LanguageC#


resbot is a CLI tool that aids in bot development by performing a few tasks:

  • Generates a [Dialog]Responses.cs file for use with the template manager pattern used in the Bot Framework Enterprise Template (optional)
  • Generates the [Dialog]Strings.Designer.cs resource backing file when Visual Studio 2017 is not an option (VS Code, Mac, etc) (optional)


Usage: resbot [options]

  -v|--version                        Gets the version of resbot
  -dp|--dialogsPath </Dialogs>        The path to the folder containing all your dialogs.
  -n|--namespace <MyCompany.Bot>      The root namespace for the bot.
  -dn|--dialogName <MakeReservation>  The name of the dialog.
  -gr|--generateResponses             Generate a Responses.cs file for use with bot template manager.
  -gd|--generateDesigner              Generate a Strings.Designer.cs file for use with bot template manager.
  -?|-h|--help                        Show help information

Bot Project Structure

+-- Bot.cs
+-- Dialogs
|   +-- MakeReservationDialog.cs
|   +-- MakeReservationResponses.cs (generated)
|   +-- Resources
|   |   +-- MakeReservationStrings.resx
|   |   +-- MakeReservationStrings.Designer.cs (generated)


resbot --dialogsPath /Dialogs --namespace MyCompany.Bot --dialogName MakeReservation


This /Resources/MakeReservationStrings.resx resource file will generate these files: