Google Drive ,Saving,Loading,Resuming Features.
kiranmaya opened this issue · 2 comments
kiranmaya commented
Need ,these saving and loading ,resuming models states , i tried to write that , but i am confused somewhere between gpu weights ,cpu weights . or we need to create network class before loading ,or loading contains network definitions etc .
Curt-Park commented
I will give you an example of DQN's things to be considered...
1. for resuming training:
- Replay memory: self.memory
- Hyperparameters: self.batch_size, self.epsilon, self.epsilon_decay, self.max_epsilon, self.min_epsilon, self.target_update, self.gamma
- Networks: self.dqn, self.dqn_target
- Optimizer: self.optimizer
2. for saving and loading a trained model (used in test mode only):
- Hyperparameters: self.epsilon
- Networks: self.dqn
I hope you try it with the guidance above.
Curt-Park commented
Please let me know here or through another issue if you meet any other obstacles.