
List of packages?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Before installing qpm I would love to see a list of packages which could be installed. Is there anything online?

@metachris Sadly not yet, but we see that there is a high demand for this (and rightly so)! Part of the issue here has been that the server is using Protocol Buffers and exposing this to a website has been challenging without an intermediate JSON representation. That being said it looks like Google added "alpha" level support for Javascript in December so we could probably give this a proper try now.

As a far from good enough workaround, here's a current snapshot of the packages from the command line tool:

Name                                      Description                                                                        
com.coderama.quickmodel                   QuickModel is a simple/easy to setup ORM library for Qt/QML                        
com.cutehacks.circularimage               A masked circular Image element                                                    
com.cutehacks.duperagent                  A QML implementation of the SuperAgent HTTP client.                                
com.cutehacks.fontawesome                 FontAwesome for QML. Provides icon enums and simple Text/Button wrapper            
com.cutehacks.gel                         A model for JSON objects with support for sorting and filtering                    
com.cutehacks.navigationdrawer            Android style navigation drawer for Qt Quick                                       
com.cutehacks.pusher                      A client library for connecting to Pusher                                          
com.cutehacks.relativetime                A tiny Javascript library for calculating relative time in Qt Quick.               
com.github.benlau.biginteger              BigInteger library for QML                                                         
com.github.benlau.qmlbox2d                Unofficial qml-box2d library                                                       
com.github.benlau.qsyncable               Synchronize data between models                                                    
com.github.benlau.quickandroid            Material Design Component and Support Library for Android                          
com.github.benlau.quickcross              QML Cross Platform Utility Library                                                 
com.github.benlau.quickflux               Message Dispatcher/Queue for Qt/QML                                                
com.github.benlau.quickpromise            Promise library for QML                                                            
com.github.benlau.testable                QML Unit Test Utilities                                                            
com.github.kafeg.adctl                    AdCtl - QML library for Google Analytics, Google AdMob, Google Play Services and   
com.github.kafeg.qtrest                   Qt REST Client - auto mapping REST data (JSON/XML) to QAbstractListModel for QML   
com.github.msorvig.s3                     C++ Qt API for Amazon S3                                                           
com.github.msorvig.windowcontrolleritem   A Qt Quick Item for controlling QWindows                                           
com.sonrisesoftware.quickly               Polyfills and core modules for emulating a Node.js environment in QML              
com.sonrisesoftware.sphere                A simple and easy-to-use SQLite ORM for QML                                        
de.nebulon.request                        Simple XMLHttpRequest wrapper with a chainable API                                 
fr.grecko.sortfilterproxymodel            A nicely exposed QSortFilterProxyModel for QML                                     
io.qpm.example                            An example showing what is currently possible with a qpm package                   


From my prospective it needs to be added ASAP as lack of this issue has serious impact on awareness of qpm in internet