
Incorrectly parsing of derived class

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cxxtest has difficulties parsing derived classes. Consider the following code:

#include "cxxtest/TestSuite.h"

class MyTestBase : public CxxTest::TestSuite 

class MyTest : public MyTestBase
    void test1()

class MyTest2 : public MyTestBase
    void test2()

After calling
python-2.7\python cxxtest\bin\cxxtestgen --have-eh --have-std --part -o mytest.cpp MyTest.h

The generated mytest.cpp erroneously creates test1() test case for MyTest2 suite, which obviously results in compilation error "error C2039: 'test1' : is not a member of 'MyTest2'" later on. Below is a generated mytest.cpp

include "MyTest.h"

static MyTest suite_MyTest;

static CxxTest::List Tests_MyTest = { 0, 0 };
CxxTest::StaticSuiteDescription suiteDescription_MyTest( "MyTest.h", 10, "MyTest", suite_MyTest, Tests_MyTest );

static class TestDescription_suite_MyTest_test1 : public CxxTest::RealTestDescription {
 TestDescription_suite_MyTest_test1() : CxxTest::RealTestDescription( Tests_MyTest, suiteDescription_MyTest, 13, "test1" ) {}
 void runTest() { suite_MyTest.test1(); }
} testDescription_suite_MyTest_test1;

static MyTest2 suite_MyTest2;

static CxxTest::List Tests_MyTest2 = { 0, 0 };
CxxTest::StaticSuiteDescription suiteDescription_MyTest2( "MyTest.h", 18, "MyTest2", suite_MyTest2, Tests_MyTest2 );

static class TestDescription_suite_MyTest2_test1 : public CxxTest::RealTestDescription {
 TestDescription_suite_MyTest2_test1() : CxxTest::RealTestDescription( Tests_MyTest2, suiteDescription_MyTest2, 13, "test1" ) {}
 void runTest() { suite_MyTest2.test1(); }
} testDescription_suite_MyTest2_test1;

static class TestDescription_suite_MyTest2_test2 : public CxxTest::RealTestDescription {
 TestDescription_suite_MyTest2_test2() : CxxTest::RealTestDescription( Tests_MyTest2, suiteDescription_MyTest2, 21, "test2" ) {}
 void runTest() { suite_MyTest2.test2(); }
} testDescription_suite_MyTest2_test2;

Renaming MyTest to MyNewTest makes the problem go.

What I found remarkable for the same version of Python (2.7.3) the issue shows up on Windows only, not on Linux.