
Returning NULL from createSuite leads to test failure

rkennedy opened this issue · 0 comments

Under "dynamically created test suites," the documentation demonstrates providing a createSuite method and conditionally returning NULL, but the behavior isn't what I expected.

Here's my test case:

#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>

class Foo: public CxxTest::TestSuite
    static Foo* createSuite() {
        return 0;

    static void destroySuite(Foo* suite) {
        delete suite;

    void test_foo() {

I process it with these commands:

cxxtest-4.4/bin/cxxtestgen --have-std --have-eh --error-printer -o foo_test.cpp foo.h
g++ -Wall -o foo_test foo_test.cpp

I get the following output:

Running cxxtest tests (1 test)
In Foo::<no test>:
foo.h:6: Error: Test failed: createSuite() failed
foo.h:6: Error: Assertion failed: suite() != 0
Failed 1 and Skipped 0 of 1 test
Success rate: 0%

Is this really the intended behavior? If so, then the documentation should mention this and include a more compelling example. (The current example checks the compiler, but if I wanted the test to fail when used with the wrong compiler, I'd just make the whole compilation fail, and it would have nothing to do with createSuite.)

I expected the suite and its tests to be marked as skipped.