
Crash when adding user/work profile

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Settings crashes when I try to add a user. Attempting it again causes the system to hang until it reboots. Likewise, adding a work profile causes an error, then a crash on the next attempt. I'm pasting a bit of my logcat below.

CryptdConnector: SND -> {10 cryptfs createnewuserdir 10 /data/user/10}
08-19 17:29:59.909 452 472 D VoldCryptCmdListener: cryptfs createnewuserdir
08-19 17:29:59.909 452 472 D Ext4Crypt: e4crypt_create_new_user_dir("10", "/data/user/10")
08-19 17:29:59.909 29464 29844 D CryptdConnector: RCV <- {200 10 -1}
08-19 17:29:59.910 29464 29942 E MountService: createnewuserdir sent unexpected message: -1
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: *** Uncaught remote exception! (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: java.lang.RuntimeException: createnewuserdir sent unexpected message: -1
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at android.os.IUserManager$Stub.onTransact(
08-19 17:29:59.911 29464 29942 E JavaBinder: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
08-19 17:29:59.912 31134 31134 V JOAOMGCD: UI Action-New Input Action: Settings - 'OK' -
08-19 17:29:59.912 31134 31134 V JOAOMGCD: Point (x,y): 873,1237Focus;
08-19 17:29:59.916 29464 30001 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@25c3149 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@a7071f0
08-19 17:29:59.916 30275 2559 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-64
08-19 17:29:59.916 30275 2559 E AndroidRuntime: Process:, PID: 30275
08-19 17:29:59.916 30275 2559 E AndroidRuntime: Theme: themes:{, default=overlay:com.blazze11.euphoria.dark, fontPkg:com.blazze11.euphoria.dark,,}
08-19 17:29:59.916 30275 2559 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'int' on a null object reference
08-19 17:29:59.916 30275 2559 E AndroidRuntime: at$
08-19 17:29:59.918 29464 29942 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity
08-19 17:29:59.924 31134 31134 V LASTMESSAGEn: Received last update com.joaomgcd.accessibility.a.e@6052989f
08-19 17:29:59.958 2545 2545 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.Taptigo.ZoomFI-1/lib/arm64
08-19 17:29:59.966 29464 29490 W BroadcastQueue: Skipping deliver [background] BroadcastRecord{c835798 u-1 android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED} to ReceiverList{da2510a 30275 remote:a1fcd75}: process crashing
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : QUALCOMM build : cababe8, I8a8f1b7e8f
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : Build Date : 07/16/16
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: XE031.09.00.03
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : Local Branch :
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : Remote Branch :
08-19 17:29:59.973 29464 29846 I Adreno : Reconstruct Branch :

I've been seeing this as well.