
A dictionary database containing definitions and examples for over 50,000 English words


A dictionary database containing definitions and examples for over 50,000 English words. This data was dumped from the Free Dictionary API using this word list.

Database structure

Table word_list

Contains a single entry for every word in the database.

  • Column word: The word

Table phonetics

Contains phonetic pronounciations. Not all words have pronounciations. Some words may have multiple entries.

  • Column word: The word
  • Column phonetic: The word's pronetic pronounciation

Table meanings

Contains definitions and examples for words. Most words will have multiple entries.

  • Column word: The word
  • Column part_of_speech: The word's part of speech
    • Possible values: noun, adverb, preposition, verb, adjective, interjection, conjunction, pronoun, numeral, proper noun
  • Column definition: The word's definition
  • Column example: An example using this word in a sentence, or null

Table related

Contains synonyms and antonyms for words. Words may have no entries, a single entry, or many entries.

  • Column word: The word
  • Column relation: Either synonym or antonym
  • Column target: The related word or phraise

Table audio

Contains URLs to audio pronounciations of words. Not all words have audio files. Some words may have multiple entries.

  • Column word: The word
  • Column url: The audio file URL

Download formats


The sqlite3_dump.sql file can be imported into an existing database using the .read command.


Each of the available CSV files corresponds to one of the tables listed above, using the same column names.


The dump_by_table.json file contains an array for each table, where each array element corresponds to an entry and contains properties matching that entry's columns.

The dump_by_words.json file contains an object for each word:

"word": {
  "phonetics": "Array",
  "meanings": [
      "part_of_speech": "String",
      "definition": "String",
      "example": "String|null"
  "related": {
    "synonyms": "Array",
    "antonyms": "Array"
  "audio": "Array"

The _pretty versions of these JSON files are formatted and intended for human readability.