
Server crashing when i got pawnraknet and sampvoice plugin

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I got the problem, but i can't remove pawnraknet plugin because it needed in gm.

[2023/01/04 20:32:13] [debug] #7 f5f2e7c3 in _ZN5Hooks13InternalHooks21GetRakServerInterfaceEv () in plugins/
[2023/01/04 20:32:13] [debug] #8 f5dae10e in _ZN6RakNet25GetRakServerInterfaceHookEv () in plugins/

Hi, Patrick. I think the problem is in the wrong way of hooking in samvoice on linux systems. I am working on a new version where I will fix this and other bugs.

I have the same problem, please solve it as soon as possible