
A Crusader Kings 3 modification that adds diversity to the nordic panteon

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Released on Steam Workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2992171720&searchtext=nordic


Germanic Religion Group

  • more religion specific names
  • special doctrine for germanic faiths
  • unique way to go feudal without reforming the faith

Ásatrú (Vanilla)

(no Changes)

Forn Siðr

It represents the ancient Germanic pantheon of gods, with the supreme deity being Odin. This religion has become extinct at the beginning of the game.\


  • Sanctity of Nature
  • Blót
  • Esotericis


It represents the Iclandic pantheon of gods, it endured until the 11th century. This religion will be the dominant religion in Iceland.\


  • Astrology
  • Personal Deities
  • Ancestor Worship


It represents the slavic-germanic pantheon of gods, when the scandinavians settled the Rus it intermixed. This religion will be the dominant religion in Kiev.\


  • Sanctity of Natur
  • Warmonger
  • Blót


It represents the sami-norse pantheon which is focused on nature. Its completely fictional. Some counties in Sami will follow this religion.\


  • Ancestor Worship
  • Blðt
  • Sanctity of Nature


It represents a very fundamental pantheon which accepts no peace with the abrahamic religions. Its completely fictional. Ivar the Boneless is considered as brutal pagan and therefor follows this faith.\


  • Warmonger
  • Blót
  • Unrelenting Faith


(not implemented)

Holy Sites

New holy sites were added to fit the theme of the new added iteration of germanic faith.

  • Joromaborg
    (Rome) obtainable for some germanic faiths in a special event.
  • Mikladard
    (Constantinople) obtainable for some germanic faiths in a special event.
  • Trelleborg
    (Skane, Sweden) These fortresses likely had religious importance, serving as regional centers for religious activities.
  • Thingvellir
    (Island) Thingvellir, held great importance in Norse culture. It was the site of the Alþingi, the national assembly of Iceland. It was also a gathering place for religious and cultural events.
  • Heiligenberg
    (Grünningen, Bayern) Heiligenberg, was an ancient hilltop settlement with evidence of Germanic occupation. It was considered a sacred site and likely had religious and ceremonial significance.
  • Gniezno
    (Poland) Gniezno, was an important religious center during the early medieval period. It is associated with both Slavic and Germanic influences.
  • Břeclav
    (Znojmo,Czech) Břeclav, is believed to have been a significant early medieval center associated with both Germanic and Slavic influences.
  • Hallstatt
    (Hallstadt, Austria) Hallstatt, is an ancient village which thrived in the region during the early Iron Age. While the Hallstatt culture predates the Germanic and Norse periods, it is considered an important site for understanding the prehistoric cultures of Central Europe.


Last Duel

When the Character is old or sick of cancer he might to choose a worthy opponent to make a last duel. If the heir (expected) give him the honor and succeed, he will get a unique Trait.

Divine Conquest

Add Rome as Holysite
Avaliable for: Forn Siðr, Asatru, Óðinstru

Constantinople's New Order

Add Rome as Holysite
Avaliable for: Forn Siðr, Asatru, Heiðinn

Religious Coexistence

Make peace with christian faith
Avaliable for: Náttúruguðtrúar

Deciding the religious future

Decide whether Iceland become Christian or stays true to the old ways.
Avaliable for: Giñnregla
878 start "Chieftes Auðr af Vestland" and "Chieftain Garðar af Austrland"

Form Old Saxia Kingdom

Recreate Old Saxia and convert to the old pagan ways.
Avaliable for: North,central,west germans except Karolinger-Dynasty

Rollos Adventure

Invade the dutchy of Normandy and start the legacy of the norman conquests. Avaliable for: Hrolfr (Rollo) now landed count in Rogaland in 867. After successfully conquering Normandy (as Rollo) a unique event happens.


Gotland in the early middleages was a center for trade and piracy. Rulers that control Gotland (dutchy) have a unique repeatable decision to decide whether to focus on trade or piracy. Avaliable for: North and central germans with germanic faith.


In Iceland rulers can call all icelandic-faith brothers to an Thing to discuss the matters. This simple decision will allow the ruler of Iceland to set the focus of the following years. Avaliable for: Northern germans with Giñnregla faith.

Great Alþingi

A Great unique decision to create the Kingdom of Iceland. Avaliable for: Northern germans with Giñnregla faith.



  • Leon: Ásatrú spreaded
  • Jorvik: Ásatrú & Norse culture spreaded
  • Sudreyar: Óðinnstrú & Norse culture spreaded
  • Iceland: Giñnregla
  • Aarjetje: Náttúruguðtrúar spreaded
  • Kiev: Heiðinn spreaded