
Error 401 - IP FORBIDDEN

Beard81 opened this issue · 2 comments

Finally found a coin to buy, but received this message when it tried to execute. I'm in Canada, does that have anything to do with it?

2022-01-19 05:26:08,764 INFO: Kucoin announcements enabled, look for new Kucoin coins...
2022-01-19 05:26:09,086 INFO: New Kucoin coin detected: ASTR
2022-01-19 05:26:09,086 INFO: New listing detected
2022-01-19 05:26:09,086 INFO: Checking for coin announcements every 3 seconds (in a separate thread)
2022-01-19 05:26:09,086 INFO: New announcement detected: ASTR
2022-01-19 05:26:09,846 INFO: LATEST TRADE: ASTR_USDT | id=2639033396 | create_time=19-01-22 09:26:08.004000 | side=buy | amount=3223.643 | price=0.17668
2022-01-19 05:26:09,846 INFO: starting buy place_order with : announcement_coin='ASTR' | globals.pairing='USDT' | volume=15 | amount=84.8992528865746 x price='0.17668' | side = buy | status='test_partial_fill_order'
2022-01-19 05:26:10,065 ERROR: (401)
Reason: Unauthorized
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Wed, 19 Jan 2022 09:26:10 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Server': 'openresty'})
HTTP response body: {"label":"IP_FORBIDDEN","message":"Request IP not in whitelist:"}

2022-01-19 05:26:10,065 ERROR: (401)
Reason: Unauthorized
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({'Date': 'Wed, 19 Jan 2022 09:26:10 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Server': 'openresty'})
HTTP response body: {"label":"IP_FORBIDDEN","message":"Request IP not in whitelist:"}

I have no ideea if Canada is allowed for
The error is raised at the buy action, in my opinion it has to do with API restrictions. You need to list your IP in the whitelist of
Is your IP listed on whitelist ?

I had whitelisted my local IP, not my public one. smacks forehead