Vent is a light-weight platform built to automate network collection and analysis pipelines using a flexible set of popular open source tools and technologies. Vent is python-based, extensible, leverages docker containers, and provides both an API and CLI.
- aiseei
- alshabotiLateral Security
- anonymous-at-dot
- dbuentello
- DeepInThoughtUSA
- dimapin
- eorochenaLexisNexis
- geokalFogus Innovations & Services
- georgenaranjo96Los Angeles
- ian1127
- itterrefcm2791
- jibanli
- korolrAsatana
- LaymerNokia Bell NV
- ma2webbTaraxacai Inc.
- mako71
- MdRashid62Karachi
- Methimpact/\/\3K4 |\|3K4|_
- mfhbam
- mhasson
- morristech@ShopriteX
- pauldokas
- rachavludo
- rdoume@artefactory
- Ro9ueAdminSherman Oaks, CA
- roshanp
- samirm@colaberry
- scivey
- Shifu-EngineerWashington, DC
- timmytimjHacktive Defense
- Unatine
- vafleite@wexinc
- vincentlanderson
- VoidedMuse
- zoltan-nzVictoria University of Wellington, ex-Worktango, ex-Westpac, ex-ANZ, ex-Vend/Lightspeed, ex-Sailthru, ex-Pro7Sat1, ex-DailyMail, ex-Sanoma