
dictionary_copy_to_existing is undefined

shakfu opened this issue · 2 comments

shakfu commented

dictionary_copy_to_existing is in ext_dictionary.h but no symbol is public.

It has the following signature:

t_max_err dictionary_copy_to_existing(const t_dictionary *d, t_dictionary *dc)

When I try to use it:

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_dictionary_copy_to_existing", referenced from:
      ___pyx_f_3api_10Dictionary_copy_to_existing in api.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

dictionary_copy_to_existing isn't exported from the kernel. I guess we should either export it or remove it from the public header.

shakfu commented


Thanks for your reply. Yes, it's in the header, but not in the docs.