Validation of newly generated BOM files fails
ognyandim opened this issue · 2 comments
Windows 10
Cyclone versions:
NPM Version: @cyclonedx/cyclonedx-npm@1.7.2 of CycloneDX for NPM
.NET Version: 2.7.0 of CycloneDX for .NET
VS 2022
VS Code
npm version 9.2.0
node version 18.12.1
- Generating NPM and .NET BOMs from the latest boilerplate project on as is - unpack, restore packages and run the BOM generation as described below
// for the NPM BOM
cyclonedx-npm --output-format "JSON" --output-file "bom.json"
// for the .NET BOM
dotnet-CycloneDX .\FMS.sln -o ./
dotnet-CycloneDX .\FMS.sln -o ./ -j
The generation is ok.
- Validation
To validate the generated BOMs I am using the hosted version :
The validation tools returns errors on both BOMs
From both validations I get alert : The file is not a valid v1.4 BOM.
From the NPM BOM validation I get :
'<' is an invalid start of a value. LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 0.
From the .NET BOMs in JSON validation I get:
"Validation failed: #/properties/components/items"
From the .NET BOMs in XML validation I get:
Validation failed at line number 373 and position 28: The '' element is invalid - The value 'NOASSERTION' is invalid according to its datatype '' - The Enumeration constraint failed.
The resulting BOMs are attached.
Can you attach the XML BOMs as well. The ZIP only has the JSON one.
Hello @stevespringett and thanks for the quick reply.
Here there are: