
[Shader issue] Issue with ComplementaryUnbound shaders

ArsiTheFox opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Issue type:

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug

Modpack: ATM9 1.20.1
Modloader: Forge 47.2.19


I am using the ComplementaryUnbound shaders and I don't know if I would consider this a bug or not.... but it seems from many tests that the Display panel fails to render the text unless very close to it.

Vid of the issue:

Thanks for reporting!

Could you try increasing partOverlayRenderdistance in the ID config file?

If that doesn't help, I'd suggest reporting it at the issue tracker of this shader, as I suspect there will be nothing I could do about this from my end.

Will check later today

No such thing shows of that parameter except from the mod config... I did try the mod with many other shaders and it does seem it is an issue with the Complementary shaders so I guess this isn't a bug with the mod....

Maybe the rendering of the text is angry with their shader pipeline

New development, found out the text doesn't immediately vanish

No such thing shows of that parameter except from the mod config... I did try the mod with many other shaders and it does seem it is an issue with the Complementary shaders so I guess this isn't a bug with the mod....

I see. Best to take up with the Complementary shaders then I guess.

Happy to make changes here if the mod author would deem it necessary! :-)

Closing this issue here in the meantime.