- 5
I could not forge build
#2359 opened by neelesh004 - 2
HTML tags not rendering correctly in written lesson
#2850 opened by HackCommander - 3
Test fund issue from google cloud faucet
#2835 opened by Mramy9 - 4
- 2
- 3
Update to tenderly virtual networks
#1776 opened by PatrickAlphaC - 1
ZKSYNC Deployment Error
#2791 opened by blakkie - 1
Make install not working
#2784 opened by Tezei - 7
Awesome, I thought you had some issues with prefixing hex with `0x`, You solved that already @Juice-07?
#2762 opened by Totiruzi - 1
Cannot verify a smart contract on Etherscan
#2744 opened by 0xdavinci - 3
Additional explanation needed!
#2707 opened by Tezei - 1
Github and Discord link in footer of the site not working
#2650 opened by Joro97 - 1
Test Faucet Issue
#2643 opened by JonasAllenCodes - 0
#2573 opened by Lovekush423 - 2
ETH bridge poblem
#2491 opened by Bamservice47 - 0
Section 4 - Raffle Contract testing: Error with VM Log implicit type assignments
#2461 opened by RVS97 - 2
in cyfrin page on the reading section i can't see the gven images can u help me
#2367 opened by krishno16 - 1
- 2
Votes No longer an option inopenzeppelin wizard
#2338 opened by Aletheios42 - 2
Need update for lesson 10 “Getting real world price data from Chainlink”
#2303 opened by dovydasradziwill - 3
- 2
- 3
Section 1: Solidity Developer zk Plugin chapter and plugin fix ordering fix
#2272 opened by Noureketh - 2
SimpleStorage deployment on zkSync failed
#2236 opened by triplex1 - 3
.ENV Pledge and keystore management
#2203 opened by bxpana - 5
Video restarts when I open another window above it
#2205 opened by doretox - 1
Skip customization
#2194 opened by ItsAnkitPatel - 3
DeployRaffle script returns incorrect HelperConfig type - propagating errors to RaffleTest setUp() function.
#2152 opened by simon-masterclass - 2
Chainlink-brownie-contract is not maintained anymore, should switch to foundry-starter-kit
#2174 opened by t9fiction - 1
Video subtitle position
#2182 opened by ItsAnkitPatel - 0
- 0
Replace YouTube video with new YouTube video
#2012 opened by PatrickAlphaC - 2
Issue: Unsupported -m Flag in forge test Command
#2100 opened by Aletheios42 - 5
Bad import
#2070 opened by Aletheios42 - 2
Please correct video at these Timestamps these
#2080 opened by ayesparshh - 3
Same Video uploaded as long length video of whole section
#2023 opened by jmakwana01 - 0
Typo in video
#2072 opened by Mauromonso - 1
- 3
Lesson 11 - OS error 2: "" file no longer included, having issue resolving "make mint" error
#1877 opened by ShaneOxM - 1
syntax error. invalid checksum
#1815 opened by Dilicq - 5
missing get_recent_deployments file
#1802 opened by PtSik - 4
Lesson 12 -> Handler.t.sol (Video clip is not there on the Cyfrin Updarft)
#1515 opened by gopalchandak-dev - 2
Lesson 11 ModdNft, error :The path "./img/sad.svg" is not allowed to be accessed for read operations
#1414 opened by dusandebelak - 1
#1713 opened by vivekkoshal - 8
Defi protocol - Lesson 14: Setup liquidations
#1657 opened by whxint - 1
- 1
Nft showing blank image
#1678 opened by Okhayeeli - 2
Type tuple(contract Raffle,contract helperconfig) is not implicitly convertible to expected type tuple(contract Raffle,contract helperconfig).
#1613 opened by arunkumard001 - 1
test issue
#1544 opened by PatrickAlphaC - 0
Mock contract not working on anvil
#1444 opened by Abhishek-2416