This mMouse v0.2d is brought to you by - 2015 This program will fix the three-finger-tap of ASUS Smart Gesture that open Cortana into middle mouse button. For windows 10 users who miss the middle mouse function which likely support by all other laptops but ASUS. Work on most ASUS laptops run windows 10 that doesn't allow to to change the option of three-finger gesture. Version 0.2a support 3 finger swipe for backward and forward button How to install? - Copy mMouse.exe to %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup - Then restart. Or simply run it each time computer start History: Version 0.2b: - Add 3 finger swipe fix -> backward / forward button Version 0.1 - Fix 3 finger tap -> middle mouse button Version 1.0: - Recode from scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Modified by Cyrillev91 : 09/07/2016 : - Open File Explorer With 3 fingers up gesture - Middle click now with 2 fingers Tap and Right click with 3 fingers Tap 23/07/2016 : - Add Debug string info - optimize 3 fingers Tap and optimze option to disable 3/2 fingers Tap 01/09/2017 : Fix : send Middle and Right Click MSDN : The hook procedure should process a message in less time than the data entry specified in the LowLevelHooksTimeout value in the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop The value is in milliseconds. If the hook procedure times out, the system passes the message to the next hook. <--- However, on Windows 7 and later, the hook is silently removed without being called. There is no way for the application to know whether the hook is removed. ==> Use thread to send Middle and Right Click so that the function is faster than LowLevelHooksTimeout (and change LowLevelHooksTimeout in Windows 10 has no effect ???) ==> Send Open Windows Explorer by Thread 08/09/2017 Use Thread to send Backward / Forward (3 fingers swipe left / right) Fix : Send RButtonDown in some case Fix : SendKey() function Disable OutputDebugStringA() function Test : OK with SmartGesture 4.0.9 and 4.0.17 SmartGesture_Win10_64_VER409