
Inverted Play Pause buttons?

kekkodance opened this issue · 3 comments

Device: iPod 5th gen
Rockbox Version: daily
Adwaitapod Theme: adwaitapod dark simplified
Downloaded From: Rockbox Utility, with additional pack from releases
on any screen with the play pause and skip buttons, the play triangle button is shown when playing and pause is showing when paused. this behavior is uncommon to me personally, never seen it like this

This is a duplicate of #30

I originally intended the feature to be indicators rather than buttons, but they are definitely communicated like buttons and the behaviour is quite jarring if you're not expecting it.

For example, pause is shown when the player is pause rather than when the player is playing as it's communicating that music is playing.

I'm going to rethink and redesign this feature for the next update, one option I'm considering is perhaps removing it entirely? Do you feel this feature is something that is neccesary to your experience of adwaitapod?

I like them, even if they're not functional and also, they still act as indicators (even better than before) when flipped around. my brain sees the current state and instead of clicking the screen (not possible) i click the play/pause button.

Thanks for the feedback, it's super helpful!

Part of me would consider adding some kind of toggle for this behaviour, though the amount of toggle options I can add are limited and it's rather a convoluted solution for the issue at hand.

Once I return to adwaitapod after finishing Themify 2, I'll be iterating on this feature's design and I'll be sure to come back here and get your opinion on possible designs :)