
Custom Treasury - Burn Unwanted Native Tokens

hard-nett opened this issue · 3 comments

After some discussion in the Juno Dev Department meetings, a DAO that only accepts a list of native tokens could benefit the DAO by not accumulating & having to manage internally unwanted tokens sent to the treasury.

I have implemented this feature, with use of the x/clock module, and want to see if this is a feature that would be desirable to add to the core contracts.

A possible issue with this implementation would be that it would not work on chains DAODAO is deployed on that do not have the clock module implemented, however by default this feature is disabled, and is only triggered by a sudo entry point so it may not cause issues ultimately

seems like the query mentioned in #754 would be able to improve the UX if a dao proposed to enable this feature on a chain without the clock module

Custom Treasury Notes

  • do we need to figure out a way to make use of limit in balance queries?
  • do we burn native tokens?can we send them to community pool?

This might make more sense as a frontend feature. CC @NoahSaso.

Unfortunately, unlike cw20s, there is no way to block native tokens.