
Does appfairy work on Windows?

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Does appfairy work on Windows?

For me, no. Try to install Linux subsystem for Windows (WSL) and develop there. Keep in mind that Linux and Windows have different filesystems, so do not try to save the project anywhere in your Windows filesystem, it will make the project extremely slow.

  • Install WSL and run
  • cd ~/
  • mkdir [project name]
  • code [project name]

And the folder will open in VSCode (if you have this installed)

You may need to install the 'code' command separately (Google, I don't remember how)

Make sure to change the file paths line #62, #63, and #64 from:

@import url(C:\css\normalize.css);
@import url(C:\css\webflow.css);
@import url(C:\css\autodopt.webflow.css);


@import url(/css/normalize.css);
@import url(/css/webflow.css);
@import url(/css/autodopt.webflow.css);

If you don't do this, you'll get an error that says "Not allowed to load local resources"

Hi, HotelGuthrie, I am new to appfairy and fairly new to webflow. Is there a comprehensive article or tutorial on getting it to work in windows? Thanks for your participation.