Welcome to Vim!

These are instructions for your coding exercise. Please read them carefully and make sure to ask whatever question pops into your mind.


We would like to create a system for scheduling appointments with providers (doctors), which would able to:

  • Search for providers to set up an appointment with.
  • Select an appointment date from the search results & notifying the provider of the new appointment.
  • Receive requests for adding, updating or deleting providers

Our system supports both synchronous queries and async queries. We use synchronous queries where possible, but sometimes when we rely on slow/unreliable external systems or when we need an event-based workflow we use an async system.

  • The synchronous queries use REST APIs - one of which you will build.
  • The asynchronous queries use a publish-subscribe (pub-sub) system based on “channels”. You will connect to this system as both a subscriber and a publisher. (bonus part)

What are we looking for?

  • There is no “right” solution! As long as your code works, is readable and extensible- it’s great!
  • You may use whatever external library you need.
  • We’re looking for big picture stuff:
    • Is your code architecture clean?
    • Is it easy to add new functionality?
    • Is your code testable?
    • Is your code readable?
    • Does your code handle errors well?
    • Does your code have good logging?
  • We’re not looking to find unimportant mistakes:
    • Don’t get stuck if you don’t understand the instructions. We will help you!
    • Don’t get stuck on silly syntax errors in libraries you have no experience with. We will help you!
    • Don’t get stuck on coding environment / bootstrapping issues. We will help you!
  • We want you to be able to finish this exercise so we can talk about your solution.
  • You are not expected to finish any bonus from part C. They are there if you happen to have enough time and to open up discussion points.
  • You are not expected to use any specific framework or even any framework at all - work with what you like.
  • We encourage you to execute each part of this exercise independently. For each part - read the instructions, make sure you understand them with your interviewer, implement the part, verify the tests pass and call your interviewer before moving on to the next part.

What’s a Provider?

A provider is a doctor. Its Object model looks like this:

    “name”: “Roland Deschain”, //Provider’s name
    “specialties”: [“Neurologist”, “Cardiologist”], //The provider’s specialties
    “availableDates”: [ //Available time slots for appointments
    “score”: 9.3 //Vim’s “secret sauce” - a provider’s score

We take the provider's name as unique, which we can differentiate between providers - you can rely on that when you think about data modeling.

Dates: The dates (all dates in our system) are formatted as Milliseconds since epoch (Which means that a date like this - 31/11/1990 16:30 is written like this - 660061800000 ). The dates are inclusive, meaning that if a provider has an availability of {"from":100, "to":200} then acceptable dates for an appointment would be: 150, 100, 200 but not 99, 201.

Scores: The scores are between 0 and 10.0

Datasource: For the purpose of this exercise, you will get a Provider list from a .json file and all reading/writing from/to it should be done in memory. Design your system in a way that supports millions of Providers, each with thousands of Specialties and AvailableDates, all in memory.


Preparation and running the tests

  • Make sure you have node.js, npm and git installed.
  • Clone this repository and create a new branch.
  • The relevant folders for this part:
    • ./providers contains mock data
    • ./test contains the pre-written tests for your code
    • ./src will contain your answer
  • Run npm install inside ./test.
  • To run the tests for this part, you will need to have the server that you will implement running in the background.
    • Your server should be running on port 3500. You can change this in ./test/config.js.
    • In ./test execute npm run test.


The goal of this part is to create a REST endpoint to allow users to set up appointments. Users look for a provider with a specific specialty (e.g ‘Neurologist’, ‘Cardiologist’) and with availability for a certain date. They should receive a list of providers ordered by relevance, and should be able to select one and set up an appointment with them.

Use the mock info under /providers/providers.json as your data source, but write your code such that it will be easy to switch this mock for an actual data source like a database / another HTTP endpoint.

  • Create a REST server with the following endpoint: GET /appointments?specialty=<SPECIALTY>&date=<DATE>&minScore=<SCORE>

    • The results should take into account:
      • Threshold: They should only get providers whose scores are matching that threshold (inclusive, if minScore=9.0 then a provider with score 9.0 should be valid)
      • Specialty: They should only get providers that specialize in that specific specialty. Specialty is not case sensitive.
      • Availability: They should only get providers that are available in the specific time requested
      • Ordering: The providers should be ordered by score from highest to lowest
    • The endpoint should return an array of provider names according to the order defined above.
    • If there are no suitable providers the endpoint should return an empty array.
    • If the user gave bad parameters, like a missing specialty, or a bad date format (should be milliseconds since epoch), the server should return a 400 (BAD REQUEST) code.
  • Create an endpoint to set up an appointment: POST /appointments BODY: { “name”: string, “date”: date }:

    • The server should validate that such an availability exists. If it doesn’t, the server should return 400 (BAD REQUEST).
    • If such an availability does exist, the server should return a 200 (OK) response to the client.
    • This endpoint does not actually change the providers data, they will be mutated in the bonus part ;).

Good luck from all of us at Vim!