Unable to reproduce results from greedy search

qychen2001 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, very nice work and clean realisation.
But when I reproduce the results from the paper, I have some problems. Especially when reproducing VCD in using greedy search as decoding strategy.
Under the generate() function, I made the following changes:

output_ids = model.generate(
    images_cd=(image_tensor_cd.unsqueeze(0).half().cuda() if image_tensor_cd is not None else None),
    cd_alpha = args.cd_alpha,
    cd_beta = args.cd_beta,

I found that when setting do_sample to False, it doesn't use VCD, after that I set both top_p and top_k to None, but the results I get with this setting are worse than if I had just used greedy search.
I would like to know how the authors set it up to reproduce the results in the greedy search in the paper.
Thanks for the attention and answer.

that is because, evolve_vcd_sampling() just replace transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin.sample, it only walk through this way if you use do_sample=True

that is because, evolve_vcd_sampling() just replace transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin.sample, it only walk through this way if you use do_sample=True

Thanks for the reply. I found this, so I set do_sample to True. also set top_p and top_k to None, but this does not reproduce the results in the paper using greedy.
I would like to know how to use greedy, under the VCD setting.
Thank you very much for your attention.

that is because, evolve_vcd_sampling() just replace transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin.sample, it only walk through this way if you use do_sample=True

Thanks for the reply. I found this, so I set do_sample to True. also set top_p and top_k to None, but this does not reproduce the results in the paper using greedy. I would like to know how to use greedy, under the VCD setting. Thank you very much for your attention.

it can be found in transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin , in generate func . In vcd, it can work because the config will let program do
return self.sample( input_ids, logits_processor=prepared_logits_processor, logits_warper=logits_warper, stopping_criteria=prepared_stopping_criteria, pad_token_id=generation_config.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=generation_config.eos_token_id, output_scores=generation_config.output_scores, return_dict_in_generate=generation_config.return_dict_in_generate, synced_gpus=synced_gpus, streamer=streamer, **model_kwargs, ) it you want use greedy, then you need to modify the config to let program go this way
if generation_mode == GenerationMode.GREEDY_SEARCH: # 11. run greedy search return self.greedy_search( input_ids, logits_processor=prepared_logits_processor, stopping_criteria=prepared_stopping_criteria, pad_token_id=generation_config.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=generation_config.eos_token_id, output_scores=generation_config.output_scores, return_dict_in_generate=generation_config.return_dict_in_generate, synced_gpus=synced_gpus, streamer=streamer, **model_kwargs, ) and also modify the greedy_search func like vcd do for sample

that is because, evolve_vcd_sampling() just replace transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin.sample, it only walk through this way if you use do_sample=True

Thanks for the reply. I found this, so I set do_sample to True. also set top_p and top_k to None, but this does not reproduce the results in the paper using greedy. I would like to know how to use greedy, under the VCD setting. Thank you very much for your attention.

it can be found in transformers.generation.utils.GenerationMixin , in generate func . In vcd, it can work because the config will let program do return self.sample( input_ids, logits_processor=prepared_logits_processor, logits_warper=logits_warper, stopping_criteria=prepared_stopping_criteria, pad_token_id=generation_config.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=generation_config.eos_token_id, output_scores=generation_config.output_scores, return_dict_in_generate=generation_config.return_dict_in_generate, synced_gpus=synced_gpus, streamer=streamer, **model_kwargs, ) it you want use greedy, then you need to modify the config to let program go this way if generation_mode == GenerationMode.GREEDY_SEARCH: # 11. run greedy search return self.greedy_search( input_ids, logits_processor=prepared_logits_processor, stopping_criteria=prepared_stopping_criteria, pad_token_id=generation_config.pad_token_id, eos_token_id=generation_config.eos_token_id, output_scores=generation_config.output_scores, return_dict_in_generate=generation_config.return_dict_in_generate, synced_gpus=synced_gpus, streamer=streamer, **model_kwargs, ) and also modify the greedy_search func like vcd do for sample

Thank you very much for your reply. This may be a viable approach. I will give it a try.