
Email and texting?

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  • What are we trying to do?
    The nut of this: funds are starting to run program through email and texting quite a bit more, and our flow centers around phone calls. We're at a point where this is a meaningful enough part of some programs that we should consider adding these as contact flows instead of just calls.

Unfortunately for us there's a LOT of ways that calls are baked in. For ex, a call list is the first thing you see on your login dashboard.

This ticket is to figure out a) how to expand beyond just call based intake and b) how the frontend should change to reflect that.

  • What feature or behavior is this required for?


  • How could we solve this issue? (Not knowing is okay!)

Design, then implementation. Design first.

  • Anything else?

a couple funds have asked us about this; colin down to put people in touch

next steps:

  • colin to actually write things down
  • colin to put @emtot22 in touch with funds that have asked for this