
[new resource]: OCR with Google Vision API and Tesseract

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Title of the resource

OCR with Google Vision API and Tesseract

Resource type

External Resource

Authors, editors and contributors

Isabelle Gribomont, Liz Fischer, Ryan Cordell, Clemens Neudecker

Topics (keywords)

DH, Open Education, Open Access, Python

Learning outcomes

After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Combine Google Vision’s character recognition with Tesseract’s layout detection to generate high-quality OCR outputs for a wide range of documents
  • Accurately convert PDF files into plain text
  • Understand a variety of considerations to keep in mind when converting a PDF to plain text


Google Vision and Tesseract are both popular and powerful OCR tools, but they each have their weaknesses. In this lesson, you will learn how to combine the two to make the most of their individual strengths and achieve even more accurate OCR results.

Hi Charlotte - these people are all in the system, so you can continue to draft the resource :)

resource published, closing issue