
Getting sql: database is closed Error while executing queries for unit testing with sqlmock and golang

roshandcoo7 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have the following function that takes a slice of type SchoolDbEntry and bulk inserts it into a DB.

type SchoolRegistry struct {
    Conn         *sqlx.DB

insertStudentEntry = `insert into StudentEntries (registerId, studentId, fee, admissionDate) values (:registerId, :studentId, :fee, :admissionDate)`

func (s *SchoolRegistry) AddStudentEntries(ctx context.Context, entry []StudentDbEntry) error {
    requestHeaders := helper.FetchHeaders(ctx)

    query, args, err := sqlx.Named(insertStudentEntry, entry)
    if err != nil {
        return exception.DBInternalError

    _, err = s.Conn.Exec(query, args...)
    if err != nil {
        return cutomModels.NewError(err.Error()

    return nil

I am trying to test this using sqlmock using the following functions

var repo *SchoolRegistry
var mock sqlmock.Sqlmock

func Init() {
    db, mockdb, _ := sqlmock.New()
    defer db.Close()

    sqlxDb := sqlx.NewDb(db, "sqlmock")

    mock = mockdb
    repo = &SchoolRegistry{sqlxDb}
    if err := logger.Init(logLevel, logTimeFormat); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to initialize logger: %v", err)

func TestAddStudentEntriesSuccess(t *testing.T) {


    query := `insert into StudentEntries (registerId, studentId, fee, admissionDate) values (:registerId, :studentId, :fee, :admissionDate)`

    args := []models.StudentDbEntry{
            RegisterID:     1,
            StudentID:      1,
            Fee:            decimal.NewFromInt(100),
            AdmissionDate:  "10-20-2015",
            RegisterID:     2,
            StudentID:      3,
            Fee:            decimal.NewFromInt(100),
            AdmissionDate:  "10-21-2015",

    prep := mock.ExpectPrepare(query)
    prep.ExpectExec().WithArgs(args).WillReturnResult(sqlmock.NewResult(0, 0))

    err := repo.AddStudentEntries(helper.FetchTestContext(), args)
    assert.NoError(t, err)


However, the tests are failing. I am gettingsql: database is closed error when no errors are expected ( that is, after this line : _, err = s.Conn.Exec(query, args...) ). The function works fine when I tested it as a part of the actual code. The issue is just with the unit testing. How to solve this?

Hi, there hope you are well.

Would you mind telling me how did you solve it? I'm having the same issue.