
Usability with django rest framework and access management

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This project is amazing. Congratulations!

I would like to know two things:

  • is it possible to make it usable with django rest framework?
  • is it possible to have only a given group of users authenticate on a specific service?

About the second question: I have a set of applications (e.g. A, B, C, D), but not all users have access to all applications. So I would need a way to say that user 1 can access A and B, user 2 can access B and D, user 3 can access all applications

Hello! I glad! Thanks!

  1. Yes! Need little bit more time to make it.
  2. Access policy to subordinated services are possible feature.

I wanna to ask you: How fast you need it?

The short answer: today! :-)

The long answer: I am working on a project that has suddenly grown in the last few weeks and has taken me from managing three services for a single user group to managing the same three services for 10 user groups!

So far I have managed the three services on the single group with three different authentications and three different databases, but this growth of the project has made me look for different solutions.

I can always adopt the solution of many db's and many authentications and restructure everything later, but implementations to your project would be a huge help in structuring the work properly from the beginning.

Let me this weekend to try to develop solution.

  1. Thinking in process.
  2. Working in process. On the SSO gateway on user profile will be add multiselect field named as "Subordinated service member".

Thank you very much!

  1. I think the solution you have chosen is the best and the most intuitive

Look forward to your updates ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hi! How is it going?
Sorry for the inconvenience. Is there any news on this enhancement?

Hello. Big apoligize for waiting. But i don't have a lot of time to spend to this project while. :(

Work in process. I thinking about one setting named as "Default access behavior".

In beginning i was thinking about setting like allow_all/deny_all, but finally arrived to next:

By default user should provide callback, who process access control on user creation as additional option.

But have one more easy variant: Just callback on save delegated to user, based on pure django's signals. The base access management based on permission lists is ready. I will publish it soon.

On DRF part: Will new authenticator class, who must be injected instead of base token auth class.

Hi! How are you doing?
I saw that there is "work in process" tag on this task. I would like to ask if you can estimate when the changes will be ready.

Thanks again for your work ๐Ÿ˜Š