
MultiSearch increase

Closed this issue · 10 comments

jveto commented

Default multi-search limit is 50, would be nice to have this implemented.


Hi @jveto,

I can implement it, but I'll have to make the return type a collection of object type, so you will have to type-cast each returned document collection yourself.

// Rune

@jveto, is it something you're still interested in, even if the response are untyped?

jveto commented

Hi @jveto,

What do you think of this API?

private static async Task ExampleMultiSearchNonTypedResponse(ITypesenseClient typesenseClient)
    var searchResults = await typesenseClient.MultiSearch(
            // You would never do the same query so many times, it would be different queries
            // and the type might also be different, this is just done for easy showcase of how the api works.
            (new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Sul", "accessAddress"), typeof(Address)),
            (new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "24", "accessAddress"), typeof(Address)),

    // We can do a for loop here and cast each search result document into `Address` because all responses are the same.
    // In case that they are not the same, we would have to cast each search result seperately.
    foreach (var searchResult in searchResults)
        if (searchResult.Error is null)
            var searchResultDocuments = searchResult.Hits.Select(x => (Address)x.Document);
            Console.WriteLine($"Multi-search non-typed response documents: {JsonSerializer.Serialize(searchResultDocuments)}");
            // Handle error


Also one question, what is the usecase for doing 50 searches at the same time, are you bulk sending search queries or

The reason I am asking, is because I'm thinking of creating an overloaded method that takes in a generic type T, but takes a list of MultiSearchParameters instead of a single one. The reason for this would be if you mainly only search in the same collection, then it could be handled in a more clean way using that implementation.

jveto commented

Having a generic type overload would be nice, especially since I would be doing bulk searches on one collection to sample responses

Ok, makes sense, I'll do that instead. 👍

HI @jveto,

I've now implemented it. The API looks like this, what do you think? #147

var responses = await _client.MultiSearch<Company>(
    new List<MultiSearchParameters>
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Stark", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Mjolner", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Dax", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Saxo", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Borsen", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Komplett", "company_name")

It can also be called with limitMultiSearches if you desire to increase or decrease the max amount of searches.

var responses = await _client.MultiSearch<Company>(
    new List<MultiSearchParameters>
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Stark", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Mjolner", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Dax", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Saxo", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Borsen", "company_name"),
        new MultiSearchParameters("companies", "Komplett", "company_name")
jveto commented

Hi @jveto , thanks for the contributions, I've released a new version 6.4.0 that contains the changes. :)