Prayers hours is wrong ?
Watynecc opened this issue · 3 comments
Salam ! I like to thanks you for this amazing application while I'm working in my pc
For some reason my french website is diffrent from muzzin one as you can see below :
When I check the coordonnate I see this
for Muezzin
So I don't know which one are true but I know that all my acquaintances use it. There's the link of the
Wa Alaykoum Assalam wa Rahmatou Lahi wa Baraketu
Please check the calculation methods, there are many many depending on your location. It depends on how your local place/website calculates the tables.
I believe the default used by Muezzin is 18° or something like that, but you website only uses 12/15°; perhaps try to change that in the settings.
If you have a flat place around you, go there and see at what time you see dawn, then you can check which one is best for you; or you can ask you local mosque.
I hope this helps !
No issues at all !
Assalam Alaykoum.