Dor Ben Shimon Intuit Assignment


This document outlines the implementation details of the Intuit Assignment, including basic architecture, trade-offs, open questions, scalability considerations, and potential improvements.

Basic Architecture


  • Background Worker:

    • Upon service startup, a background worker reads CSV files record by record.
    • Records are gathered in bulks of 1,000 and inserted into the database.
    • This process runs continuously in the background.
  • CSV Reading:

    • Uses the CsvReader NuGet package.
    • Exception handling includes:
      • DB Unavailability: Retries insertion upon failure; aborts reading if retries fail.
      • Invalid Records: Skips invalid records.
  • Scalability:

    • For very large files (gigabytes to petabytes):
      • Custom CsvReader: Implementing a custom CsvReader with multiple background workers.
      • Worker Offsets: Divide data into offsets for parallel processing (e.g., 500 million rows divided among workers).
      • Future Improvements: This feature has not been implemented but is a potential area for scaling improvements.


  • In-Memory DB:

    • Uses a Dictionary/Map + LRU cache to support scalable retrieval
    • Maintains a List of players for pagination.
    • Designed to handle heavy read operations, simulating a real database.
  • Design:

    • Implements the IPlayerDAL interface.
    • Uses dependency injection for easy replacement with other data access layers (e.g., MySQL or Redis).
    • Retry Mechanism: Includes retry logic for data insertion failures (e.g., database downtime, network issues).


  • Implemented Scrapers:

    • dataset
  • Functionality:

    • Fetches metadata from these sites using UUIDs (retroID/bbrefID).
    • Originally considered fetching data


  • Endpoints:
    • GetPlayerByID(string ID): Fetches data from the DAL and runs scrapers if necessary. Prioritizes LRU cache lookup (O(1)) before querying the database.
    • GetAllPlayers(int limit, int page): Provides pagination for retrieving player data. It is not feasible to return all data at once, so a pagination mechanism is used.


  • In-Memory DB vs. Persistent Store: Chose in-memory DB for simplicity and speed, but a persistent store (e.g., MySQL, Redis) could be used for more extensive datasets and durability.
  • Scraper Updates: Instead of fetching data in real-time, scrapers fetch metadata on demand, which ensures data consistency.

Future Improvements

  • Custom CsvReader: Develop a custom CSV reader to enhance performance and scalability for very large files.
  • CsvState state for file reading - In case of un expected crash - We want to save the state of the data we already read
