apt-get autoremove (old kernels)
Commifreak opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Title says it all :)
I would like a feature ti run an autoremove through all hosts. Sometimes the default boot-partition is out of space.. ;)
Yes. Please add this feature or feature that add some function to set custom hot-keys to run my own command on machines.
I'd like this feature aswell, would be really nice to have it as an option.
Yes please!
In app-dater.conf:
CmdRefresh=apt-dater-host refresh
CmdUpgrade=apt-get autoremove && apt-get autoclean && apt-dater-host upgrade
CmdInstall=apt-dater-host install %s
Maybe not super-smart, but has worked fine for me for at least 6 months now.
Does anybody know, where to put this config in the new .xml style files?
@noudAndi maybe
$ sed -n 109,112p /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/apt-dater/cmd
handle_generic_ssh () {
AD_CMD_REFRESH="apt-dater-host refresh"
AD_CMD_UPGRADE="apt-dater-host upgrade"
AD_CMD_INSTALL="apt-dater-host install %s"
Is there a way of doing this without hacking apt-dater? Maybe with hooks?