
BBB plugins in (Next|Own)Cloud not working

PhilippKilian opened this issue · 7 comments

NC/OC are encoding spaces in the query string by %20 rather than +. Although the BBB API suggests to use + BBB also accepts %20.

B3lb rejects those requests due how the checksum validation is implemented.

ohh - thanks a lot - just asked my fellows at schullogin to send you the credentials. Will check right now.

I think this patch is not deployed yet - right? I'm still getting the error. Will check later this week again.

BTW. Does it make sense to patch the original BBB API Plugin of nextcloud? Maybe suggesting to use the standard PHP BBB API?

liske commented

I think this patch is not deployed yet - right? I'm still getting the error. Will check later this week again.

We are going to make a intermediate deployment for this evening. We used another NC instance for debugging and validating the patch.

liske commented

I think this patch is not deployed yet - right? I'm still getting the error. Will check later this week again.

We are going to make a intermediate deployment for this evening. We used another NC instance for debugging and validating the patch.

The intermediate deployment is online!

Woohoo works … more testing tomorrow!