
Version 2.14.1 Capybara onwards breaks javascript prompts

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This might just be the case for us but if we allow the project to take a version of Capybara beyond 2.14.0 it seems to break the scenario Add 3 partners then remove one in partnership.feature.

Version 2.14.1 does list the fix Workaround broken system modals when using selenium with headless Chrome so it could be connected to that.

However at the time of spotting this and trying to get it sorted we were trying to validate the environment as part of patching to combat the Spectre/Meltdown vulnerability. Hence we took the decision to revert to a version we know works, and look into the issue at a later date.

@Cruikshanks is this still an issue? partnership.feature has passed every time I've run it recently. It looks like we're currently running Capybara 3.32.2 in the FRAE suite. I suggest we close this unless you think there's something we still need to resolve.

See our awesome QA's comments above!