Dependabot can't evaluate your Ruby dependency files
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dependabot-preview commented
Dependabot can't evaluate your Ruby dependency files.
As a result, Dependabot couldn't check whether any of your dependencies are out-of-date.
The error Dependabot encountered was:
Bundler::Dsl::DSLError with message:
[!] There was an error parsing `Gemfile`: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - .tool-versions. Bundler cannot continue.
# from /home/dependabot/dependabot-updater/dependabot_tmp_dir/Gemfile:7
# -------------------------------------------
# def ruby_version
> ruby_version = IO.foreach('.tool-versions', "\n") do |tool_version|
# tool = Hash[*tool_version.split(' ')]
# -------------------------------------------