
Changes to Create a job listing for vacancies at Trust Head Office

david-mears-2 opened this issue · 0 comments

Link to project planner

User story

As a hiring staff user
I need to input a short description of the role as a whole
So that jobseekers can easily scan the vacancy and make a decision about applying


Refer to the following Figma Screens for anything relating to design or IA.

Figma Sprint 55 screens: 3.0-3.1, 5.0-5.1

If you have any questions, clarify with Design before proceeding. In the event of any corrections, please ensure the Figmas are updated and notes of conversations are recorded in this issue for future reference.


Reminder of status quo: on the backend we currently differentiate between vacancies at a single school and vacancies at a head office. This is set on the job_location attribute of a vacancy record, and that also determines whether the vacancy record is associated to either a School or a SchoolGroup.

Done when (to be completed)

  • **Specific steps that are are required before the code is merged **

Standard boilerplate - adjust as needed.

  • The rendered pages exactly match the listed figmas.
  • The code has been signed off on staging (or other suitable test environment) by:
    • Design/IA
    • Product
    • Content
  • A suitable PR has been raised and approved
  • The code has been merged to master and deployed to production. NOTE the code does not need to be switched on for this issue to be considered complete.