
Compatibility with ESP-WROOM-32D

KatiGithub opened this issue · 2 comments

I don't know if this is a noob problem but when I connect the library with my ESP32, it returns just 0. Yes, I have set the correct analog channel (I use A0 which is pin 36 on the ESP32) and I went as far as to go into the library and modify the already set pin inside the cpp file. I don't know what I must do to be able to make the ESP32 and the library compatible together. Please help.

I got the same problem here...Initially when compiling, I got the un-declared A0 pin issue inside the .cpp file, so I changed it to 39, which is ADC0, and compiling mistake went away, but it returns from serial port with 0ppm, not sure where went wrong.

problem is code gets stuck while reading EEPROM value, comment out those lines and boom!