Not compatible with Central Tweak
jai-yadav opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello dev, First of all, thanks for the great tweak!
While I was trying out this I found out that it is not compatible with Central tweak (it centers the last row items). Central Repo Link
Here are some screenshots Link 1 Link 2
It would be amazing if these two can work together :)
There are a lot of questions that would need to be answered before Central becomes compatible.
a = available/placeholder
i = icon
w = widget
How should it behave when there are lets say a row of icons + 2 icon of space available?
| i i a a |
| a a a a |
How should it look in wiggle mode, should it display 4 placeholder icons instead of 6? skipping the row that central modifies?
| i i |
| a a a a |
If I add a 3x2 widget (takes up 6 icon spaces) in the bottom, Central should be disabled then.
| i w w w |
| i w w w |
However what if I add a 2x2 widget (takes up 4 icon spaces) in the bottom right, should it center the widget + the icons? as in move 1 icon to the next row?
| i w w |
| i w w |
or keep it on the current row and disable Central?
| i i w w |
| w w |
What if there was a row of icons + 3 icon of spaces available?
| i a a a |
| a a a a |
If I add a 2x2 widget (takes up 4 icon spaces) in the bottom right, should central be disabled?
| i a w w |
| a a w w |
or should it center the icon on the left half of the screen?
| i w w |
| a a w w |
or should it center the widget and the icon?
| i w w |
| a w w |
HSWidgets is implemented to use the positioning provided by the system (or other tweaks that modify the system). Which can be seen by the images you provided, Central is changing the position for all icons after the icon row it modifies hence why widgets also are shifted.