
Read dfs0 with many items

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Hi, so I have 2 dfs0 files (outputs of the same model), one has like 15 columns, the other has +800 columns, 1 year of data (~130 mb).
I have 2 environments:

  • One with mikeio 0.11.1 and python 3.9.5 in that one I can read both files.
  • Another one with mikeio 1.0b0 (also tested 1.0b2) and python 3.8.12 and that one can only read the smaller file.

To Reproduce

from mikeio import Dfs0
--> recursion error

Expected behavior
Open the file


System information:

  • Python version = 3.8.12
  • MIKE version = 1.0b0

I will try updating to python 3.9.5 to see if that fixes it

Thanks @daniel-caichac-DHI for the bug report

import mikeio
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

n_items = 800
nt = 2
time = pd.date_range("2000", freq="H", periods=nt)

das = []

for i in range(n_items):
    x = np.random.random(nt)
    da = mikeio.DataArray(data=x, time=time, item=mikeio.ItemInfo(f"Item {i+1}"))
ds = mikeio.Dataset(das)
    if isinstance(key, Iterable):
  File "C:\Users\JAN\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\typing.py", line 710, in __instancecheck__
    return self.__subclasscheck__(type(obj))
  File "C:\Users\JAN\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\typing.py", line 842, in __subclasscheck__
    return issubclass(cls, self.__origin__)
  File "C:\Users\JAN\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\abc.py", line 123, in __subclasscheck__
    return _abc_subclasscheck(cls, subclass)
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

I get the same error when I try to create a Dataset with many items.

Thanks, I just tested with python 3.9.5 and mikeio 1.0b0 and it crashed, so it is a mikeio thing.

Yes, it is a problem introduced in MIKE IO 1.0.