
read_pfs fails in [WQRiverGroupPfs] section for .mhydro file

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I am trying to read a .mhydro file (MIKE Zero 2022 SP1) with mikeio.read_pfs(), which fails with the following error:

ValueError: DK1_100m_2023_Nsj_Lakes_Trial.mhydro could not be parsed. while scanning a block scalar
  in "<unicode string>", line 72225, column 80:
expected chomping or indentation indicators, but found '|'
  in "<unicode string>", line 72225, column 81:

It fails when reading the [WQRiverGroupPfs] section (which in my .mhydro setup should just be inactive/unused). The whole section in my .mhydro file looks like this:

      Touched = false
         Touched = false
         DhiSEPfsListItemCount = 1
         SolutionMethod = 1
         UpdateFrequency = 1
         DisableProcesses = false
            Touched = false
            ObjectID = '7669105c-471a-4b76-be8b-4978926ffe10'
            ModelIndex = 0
            Model = 'From file ...'
            TemplateFile = ||
            Description = ''
            Clob = '<CLOB:22,1,1,false,1,0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",||,false>'
         EndSect  // WQRiverPfs_0

      EndSect  // WQRiverListPfs

   EndSect  // WQRiverGroupPfs

...and it actually fails in the line " Clob = 'CLOB:22,1,1,false,1,0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",0,"",||,false' ", referring to the pipe symbols.

System information:

  • Python 3.8.11
  • MIKE IO 1.4.1