
RASTER_PATTERN in terracotta ingest

zufryy opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi All,

So I have two files with these filename

  • WBF0_Demo_1x1_Int3_Sm0_Mean.tiff
  • WBF0_Demo_1x1_Int3_Sm0_Mean_grad.tiff

When using this command, "terracotta ingest {name}.tif -o test.sqlite"

it gave me these error message :

Error: Invalid value for 'RASTER_PATTERN': Given pattern matches no files

Is it possible to use the full filename as the raster pattern variable when running the ingest ?

Nope, not possible from the command line. It's pretty simple from the Python API, though. This should do it:

import os
import glob
from terracotta import get_driver

DB_NAME = "test.sqlite"
KEYS = ["name"]
RASTERFILES = glob.glob("*.tif")

driver = get_driver(DB_NAME)

if not os.path.isfile(DB_NAME):

for raster_path in RASTERFILES:
    raster_filename = os.path.basename(raster_path)
    driver.insert(raster_filename, raster_path)

Perfect, thanks for the script