
Citation count is not updated

nlessmann opened this issue · 7 comments

The publication list shows a citation count for many publications, but seems to be outdated and is apparently not automatically updated.

Thanks for noticing, It indeed seems that it does not automatically update (though it should). I will check it out.

Actually, it seems that the gccites is hardcoded in the bib files. So at the moment, users need to update the cites manually. But i think it can be done automatically. I will check if it is possible.

gcites are created via csv files (manually created) and then inserted into bib via: https://github.com/DIAGNijmegen/diag-literature/blob/a91d88b1414c29a794175a54fb5202280ebc8f3f/scripts/processbib.py#L465

Investigate how to auto create csv files

csv files are created with: https://harzing.com/resources/publish-or-perish

first step is to check/make that the csv are automatically updated in the bib file (once in a while)

I have checked if there is an API for google scholar that we could use, there are several but no official one. There is this one python library https://pypi.org/project/scholarly/ but it mentions that the IP address will be blocked if not using a proxy, so this will not be a solution.
Publish-or-perish does not have a Linux version, though wine or something similar could be used. But I have not seen a terminal-based solution.

As a solution, It might be that someone has to manually run Publish-or-perish.

Reviving this, following the presentation at DIAG day, somebody had an idea how to improve this citation count (James?).....?

Discussed this with Bram recently - his view is that publish-or-perish should be used regularly to create a csv file and update publications lists (add new publications) and to update citations in existing website publications.
Will update further on related issue #472