
./configure problem

Closed this issue · 3 comments

./configure: line 3594: syntax error near unexpected token LIBUSB,' ./configure: line 3594: PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBUSB, libusb-1.0 >= 1.0.0)'

I am running debian testing and have version libusb-1.0 1.0.1
Looking around I found that pkg-config is needed to compile this so I have that also

Stable has the same problem

Thank you for the report, Greg. I added a note about pkg-config to README.md in 186140b. Would this be the fix you were looking for?

I had the same problem, I tracked down the cause to having a newer copy of autotools in /usr/local
That causes aclocal to not find the macros.
It works if I run it as
PATH=/usr/bin ./bootstrap
but also adding the path to the aclocal call in bootstrap fixes it:
aclocal -I /usr/share/aclocal
which might not be portable. I don't normally have this problem and I compile a lot of packages from source, so presumably the normal more complete autotools setup finds it.

@rubypanther, I just removed bootstrap and replaced it with the instructions for running autoreconf -i -f. That should take care of the problem, hopefully.

@ThePreviousOne, I assume the README.md update is a suitable solution for you, since you don't reply, and am closing the issue.