
Checkpoints and Inference Questions.

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Hello. I am Seyeob who researches object detection in aerial images.

Thank you for sharing your models and configs!

I have some questions about those.

I am trying to evaluate your models.

I do it in 2 ways, first is by using checkpoint, make a inference(pb) file and evaluate.

Second is using your inference file.

The result of first is 0.1582 mAP (@IOU 0.5, PASCAL metrics) and
second is 0.2218 mAP.

The result is far from the result on your paper.

Please let me know if there is a reason for this issue.

We separate training images to train and test data set (7:3) randomly,

and evaluate with TF object detection API.

Thank you for your answer in advance.



maybe most important part is config file. where is it!