
DIYBiook entry not appearing on map

sabgaby opened this issue · 2 comments

Referenced on issue #205. Opening for @DiyBiook

The entry is not mapped, despite adding geocoordinates by @jasonbobe

To appear on the map, you have to input geocoordinates in the YAML portion of the entry, which are then transcoded into a .geojson file (located in _site/assets/data/).

@jasonbobe... added your geocoordinates at some point, but unfortunately he coded them incorrectly as a list of geocoordinates as in:

  - lat: 43.264988
  - lng: -2.927599 

The geojson file interpreted it as MultiPoint, with: "coordinates": [[, 43.264988], [-2.927599, ]]
Essentially, neither point was complete, so it didn't map anything. Instead, as I have made the changes myself, the geocoordinates should be coded as a map or dictionary, as in:

  lat: 43.264988
  lng: -2.927599 

Now the geojson file computes it as a Point with "coordinates": [-2.927599, 43.264988]
I should upload a fix soon.

Looks like this is fixed now, so closing.

That said, it's impossible to discover the Biook pin on the map without zooming wayyyy in because the BBK Open Science fest pin sits right on top of it.

Is there a way to add pin-spreading to mapbox?

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