
The existence of comments increases page load time by ~200ms

Xyene opened this issue · 1 comments

Xyene commented
Executed SQL
    SELECT `judge_comment`.`id`,
           COUNT(`reversion_version`.`id`) AS `revisions`,
           COALESCE(my_vote.`score`, 0) AS `vote_score`,
      FROM `judge_comment`
      LEFT OUTER JOIN `reversion_version`
        ON (`judge_comment`.`id` = `reversion_version`.`object_id` AND ((`reversion_version`.`content_type_id` = 10 AND `reversion_version`.`db` = 'default')))
      LEFT OUTER JOIN `judge_commentvote` my_vote
        ON (`judge_comment`.`id` = my_vote.`comment_id` AND (my_vote.`voter_id` = 2))
     INNER JOIN `judge_profile`
        ON (`judge_comment`.`author_id` = `judge_profile`.`id`)
     INNER JOIN `auth_user`
        ON (`judge_profile`.`user_id` = `auth_user`.`id`)
     WHERE (NOT `judge_comment`.`hidden` AND `judge_comment`.`page` = 'p:16bitswonly')
     GROUP BY `judge_comment`.`id`
     ORDER BY `judge_comment`.`tree_id` ASC, `judge_comment`.`lft` ASC

    191.47896766662598 ms
Xyene commented

This has been fixed by @quantum5.