
Redfish Service Validator issue related to CollectionCapabilites.

manipk01 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi All,

When i ran the Redfish Service Validator to validate redfish service. Below mentioned issue came for the URI's:


  1. /redfish/v1/CompositionService/ResourceZones/1
  2. /redfish/v1/Systems


ERROR - Collection Property @Redfish.CollectionCapabilities is not a List
ERROR - This object @Redfish.CollectionCapabilities should be a list, but it's of type dict...
ERROR - @Redfish.CollectionCapabilities: property is expected to contain an array

In response for capabilities it is shown as below

  1. For system URI(/redfish/v1/Systems)

"@Redfish.CollectionCapabilities": {
"@odata.type": "#CollectionCapabilities.v1_4_0.CollectionCapabilities",
"Capabilities": [
"CapabilitiesObject": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Capabilities"
"Links": {
"RelatedItem": [
"": "/redfish/v1/CompositionService/ResourceZones/1"
"TargetCollection": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems"
"UseCase": "ComputerSystemComposition"

  1. For compositionservice URI(/redfish/v1/CompositionService/ResourceZones/1)

"@Redfish.CollectionCapabilities": {
"@odata.type": "#CollectionCapabilities.v1_4_0.CollectionCapabilities",
"Capabilities": [
"CapabilitiesObject": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems/Capabilities"
"Links": {
"TargetCollection": {
"": "/redfish/v1/Systems"
"UseCase": "ComputerSystemComposition"
"MaxMembers": 1

We have referred the Mockup( and same response is available in the mockup. And we tried the lower version(2.2.7) and master version(2.3.5) of redfish service validator but it is reproducing the issue.

So can you please confirm that this is an tool issue or our response (Redfish stack implementation) issue?

Mani P K