
Add a BIOS setting usecase checker

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Would like to have a usecase checker for applying BIOS settings. This type of test would involve the following:

  1. Locate a BIOS resource
  2. Apply a new attribute value to the Settings object for the BIOS resource
  3. Adjust the Settings Apply Time to have the value applied on the next reboot
  4. Reboot the Computer System
  5. Check that the new Setting was applied in the BIOS resource, as well as an update to the Settings annotation to show when the new value was applied

Some things to watch for:

  • It's very unlikely that a BIOS resource does not have a Settings object, however it's theoretically possible. We might need to consider this case in the test, which would mean simply a PATCH to the BIOS resource would take effect immediately
  • There may not be a Settings Apply Time object, which means we can only assume the value will be applied on the next reboot
  • There may need to be some timeout considerations for the last step
  • Since different vendors will have different attributes, it will likely be necessary to have the specific attribute and value to apply in the test as a parameter
  • It might be beneficial to add a step that sanity checks the BIOS resource against the advertised Attribute Registry
  • Cleanup at the end of the test would be good to ensure the system returns to its previous state