
Split to right/below

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Thank you for creating this fantastic plugin.

So, is there any split to right/ split to bottom actions when I jump to the definition

DNLHC commented

Yes, there are actions for that: jump_vsplit, jump_split
These are the default keymaps, but you can change them if you need.

local glance = require('glance')
local actions = glance.actions

  mappings = {
    list = {
      ['v'] = actions.jump_vsplit,
      ['s'] = actions.jump_split,

Thank you but
When I use jump_vsplit the new windows is created on left side.
How can I make the new window to the right??

DNLHC commented

Direction of a splitting window in neovim is configured globally with these settings

vim.opt.splitright = true
vim.opt.splitbelow = true

Ok it works! thanks