
Number of concurrent traffic generators per process in documentation

Mno-hime opened this issue · 0 comments

The documentation says that the number of concurrent traffic generators per process defaults to 10:

      -c TCOUNT        Number of concurrent traffic generators per process [default: 10]

But when I run flame -v 99 --dnssec -P tcp -F inet -g file -f ~/Downloads/fbsddoh/query_datafile -Q 10000 -p 5300 against BIND I see rndc status reporting tcp clients: 30/50 (50 is the max TCP connections I set via the tcp-clients option).

flame/main.cpp suggests the default is 30:

        if (!arg_exists("-c", argc, argv))
            c_count = 30;

Flamethrower also reports "30 concurrent generators" on runtime:

flaming target(s) [] on port 5300 with 30 concurrent generators, each sending 100 queries every 1000ms on protocol tcp