
Does "enable DNS over HTTPS" option of Firefox can be set while using DNSCrypt in default setting ?

Nokia808 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello !

1st of all, I would like to clarify that I'm completely new to "DNS over HTTPS" ........ Till now I'm only depending on DNSCrypt with it's default setting since some years ago .......

I'm installing DNSCrypt from official Fedora repositories, & already activated it, & it is currently working without problem on my Fedora 34 X64 bit Cinnamon edition without problem. I'm already set my /etc/resolv.conf is already edited by me to contain the following:

options edns0

My questions is as following: my Firefox has "enable DNS over HTTPS" option - go to "Preference" | "General settings" | "Network settings" | "Settings" | ...........

  1. does activating this Firefox option will working while DNSCrypt is already activated on my system or not ? If not what I have to do to utilize DoH ?

  2. currently my Firefox set at "Use system proxy settings". Is "Enable DNS over HTTPS" option is compatible with "Use system proxy setting" or I need to change "Use system proxy setting" to other choice ?

Thank you.