
Future improvements to the DOAJ Application Form

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This is a public copy of an issue in the Private DOAJ Repository and is published here for information only.

The following changes to the DOAJ Application Form have been requested. This issue is a container issue to collect the various requests. None of these changes have been scheduled for implementation but some of them will be picked up if they coincide with other work. For questions, please contact

  • allow only 1 URL per URL field throughout the form
  • pre-fill the application form with certain values if the user is logged in
  • disallow the same value to be entered in Questions 4 and 5 (ISSNs)
  • Question 34: change question text to 'Add keyword(s) that best describe the subject matter of the journal'
  • Question 37: change from dropdown to tickboxes. Add 'Post-publication peer review' and 'Other' options. Allow multiple selection. Add a note: 'Editorial review is only valid for journals in the Humanities.'
  • Question 43 suggestion: should we use 'time to first decision' instead because 'time to publication' is dependent very much on the time authors take to return proofs, etc?
  • Question 45: change the question text to: 'Does the journal display licensing information in each full text (HTML or PDF) article?' and add change the help text to 'Licensing information must be displayed on every PDF or in every full text HTML article. We do not accept licensing information that is only displayed in other parts of the site.'
  • Move Question 50 to the start of the form and, if someone answers 'no' to this question, the rest of the form cannot be completed.
  • Question 51: add MALENA as a new option
  • If someone clicks 'Unlock and Close' without saving changes, they get a prompt: 'There are unsaved changes on this page. Continuing will close this record without saving your changes. Do you wish to continue?' (from #386)
  • Add something about TDM licensing. For reference:
  • Add a checkbox and field which indicates that the application is a continuation, i.e. This journal is a continuation of [ENTER ISSN] and [TITLE].
  • Add 2 new fields for ISNI numbers under Society and Publisher
  • UI and UX proposed changes: a single column layout, allowing us to use wider form-controls; keep the current segmentation, and make those segments collapsible; have an overall progress bar at the top, and individual segment progress bars for usability.
  • Add funding information / grant numbers
  • Add reminder for Admin re categorisation: only 2 allowed

I am closing this as our website relaunch superseded much of the changes here.